Ernest Mark
I bring a lot of heart and authenticity to my work, it's not just what I do but who I am. I love doing this work.” Ernest Mark, CPCC, PCC, brings twenty years of experience as an executive coach and organizational development consultant. He works with leaders and organizations, who are stuck in various transitions and helps them navigate change with choice, ease and balance. Ernest helps his clients connect with their passion, values and what's most important in life with a clear leadership stance and presence. “I believe that transformation happens quickest through the body and pay attention to this in my coaching in subtle and direct ways, bringing attention to breath, posture, stance, energy and awareness.” “Ernest brings a tenacity to facilitating a difficult group and manages to get the best out of us. He is the perfect person for this job.” Anthony Panarese, Oakland Director Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment Ernest is credentialed by the International Coach Federation as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and serves as coach/faculty/trainer with organizations, such as the SEIU BOLD Center, Leadership that Works and Rockwood Leadership Institute. Ernest has been a presenter for conferences hosted by the International Coaching Federation, the Association for Black Foundation Executives and Leadership that Works. Based out of Oakland, California, Ernest also enjoys being a soccer dad and spends many weekends shuttling carloads of soccer girls to parts of California he previously didn't know existed.