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Carrie Gleason

Carrie Gleason supports labor unions and social justice organizations in transformative change through her Marino Strategies consulting practice. Carrie’s work centers on developing, coaching and supporting leaders who build power for working people. She is a healing-centered professional coach, skilled trainer, and facilitator. Her consulting services center anti-racist organizational development, strategic guidance and training on campaigns and organizing, as well as program development, strategic planning, and collaborative research.

Carrie has a current contract with SEIU’s CA fast food campaign as a leadership coach for the rising field management team and provides capacity building services that include: guiding a process to strengthen data systems and practices, developing an organizer skills assessment framework and curriculum development for leader training in membership recruitment. Carrie has tapped into her expertise in building healthier labor-management dynamics with staff unions.

As an accomplished campaigner and organizer in the labor movement, Carrie understands the experience of those working for the union and the members who are the heart of the union. Carrie began her work in the labor movement as a union organizer successfully organizing people working in NYC hotel and retail chains. She then spearheaded national and multi-state campaigns for economic justice achieving breakthrough policy and corporate accountability victories. Carrie launched the national fight for a fair workweek working with labor unions and coalitions across the country to win city and state policies that guaranteed predictable hours and expanded access to full-time work for nearly 2 million hourly workers. Through this campaign work, she built strong relationships with power-building local unions and community organizations in over 18 states.

Carrie lives with her family in Brooklyn, NY where she is an active community leader organizing support for struggling local families. Carrie holds a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University and was a Charles H. Revson Fellow at Columbia University.

Carrie Gleason
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