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Kasi Perreira (Farrar)

Hello, my name is Kasi Perreira (she/they) and am an organizer, artist, loving partner and mama of two. My introduction to the labor movement was as a rank and file member, so I consider our work to be a great privilege and bring a “members first” mentality to everything I do: from doing site visits with an organizing committee, to developing and facilitating retreats for an Executive Board, there is no task too small nor challenge too big. In addition to being a member of the ACT Cohort, I am the Director of Leadership and Organizational Change Programs at the Center for Innovation in Worker Organization at the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University. At CIWO I work with unions across the country, including SEIU locals, leaders and members with a focus on equitable, sustainable change for organizations and leaders at the forefront. Previously I was the first Director of Racial and Gender Justice at the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO where I led the transition of our work from a workshop to a strategic plan to unify and train the next generation of union leaders in WA, including every SEIU local in the state. With nearly 20 years of organizing experience, I’ve also organized thousands of new members into my previous union (UFCW3000) and movement overall. As Organizing Director and Special Assistant to the President, I was responsible for our growth strategies, research, community and political departments. I also had the privilege of working with United for Respect in its early formation with Walmart Associates as a National Coordinator where we developed alternative organizing models, capital strategies and member development to scale.

Kasi Perreira (Farrar)
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